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Alsou — «Power Of Your Love»

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Текст (слова) песни «Power Of Your Love»(распечатать)

You see a dreams about miracles ,
And dream them in the reality.
Time for hours, As leaves falling in a grass only thaws.
And pending the you Lay a pearl at the bottom.
But there are magic words, Believe me, believe me.
That can`t be more wonderful
the Magic songs of this that sounds then
When two hearts are beaten together,
Together and for ever.
You wait which year, And in it there`s not your fault.
About days a not replace round dance,
you simply sleep and see a dreams.
And pending miracles, you worship to spring.
But all is know before, Believe me, believe me.
That can`t be more wonderful,
the Magic songs of this that sounds
then When two hearts are beaten together,
Together and for ever .
Only night , for a love
If you know how to help how to pass
And to not lose, and to find...
That can`t be more wonderful
the Magic songs of this that sounds then
When two hearts are beaten together,
Together and for ever .
Together and for ever.

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